The Outdoor Way of the Cross

The text below is an extract from Cardinal Burke’s book, The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Walking through the Archway, we begin our contemplative prayer at each of the fourteen Stations, and we come to understand more fully the profound meaning of our life pilgrimage, along which Christ accompanies us, urging us to take up our Cross with Him, in order that we may find joy and peace in this life, and reach our final destiny, our true and lasting home with God the Father.
Treasured Devotion
The Stations of the Cross are a most treasured devotion in the Church. This devotion assists us in a direct and practical way to meditate upon all that it meant for Our Lord to suffer and die for us, to save us from our sins and to win for us the gift of everlasting life. When we cannot travel to the actual places in the Holy Land where Our Lord accomplished our salvation, we are able to make the Way of the Cross, mystically uniting ourselves to the Lord in the very places made holy by Him Who is All Holy. Walking and praying the Way of the Cross brings us to an encounter with God’s love for us, His providence in our lives, His example of Mercy poured forth from His pierced side, the Fountain of Mercy at the moment of His death!
Peaceful Contemplation
The Stations of the Cross at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe are located just past the Shrine Church and adjacent to the Rosary Walk. In a serene atmosphere of wooded hills, the fourteen bronze Stations are mounted in alcoves of indigenous stone and are each flanked by stone benches to allow pilgrims a place of rest and contemplation. The Stations were designed by artist Anthony Visco. I had the joy of dedicating them on the feast of Saint Juan Diego, December 9, 2004.

Archway of Bernini’s Angels
Pilgrims enter the Way of the Cross through an archway, which I blessed in a ceremony in 2015, on the Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe. On each side of the archway are bronze panels depicting Bernini’s Angels of the Passion of the Ponte Sant’Angelo at the Vatican. The four angels hold eleven instruments and symbols of the Passion. The number eleven signifies the number of Christ’s Apostles, excluding Judas. Facing the archway, the panel on the left side shows the angel holding the column of Christ’s scourging and the whip. The right panel shows the angel holding the Cross with the INRI (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum) inscription, and the nails. On the other side of the archway, the panel on the left side shows the angel holding the spear, sponge, and crown of thorns. On the right panel, the angel holds Veronica’s cloth, and at her feet are Christ’s robe and the dice that shows the total number eleven, again symbolizing the eleven Apostles. They are the creation of Anna Koh Varilla of the Koh Varilla Guild in Chicago.

After completing the Stations, pilgrims can return to the Shrine Church or continue to the Rosary Walk.
Cardinal Burke’s Shrine Book
The text above is an extract from Cardinal Burke’s book, The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. If you would like to learn more about the Shrine, the book is available at the Flores Mariae Gift Shop, or you can purchase the book at the Gift Shop’s online store.
In this book, discover, in Cardinal Burke’s own words, the profound history, beauty, and purpose of the Shrine. The Shrine book will answer all your questions about devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Shrine itself. It includes rich reflections on the inspiration behind the Shrine, thoughtful insight into the meaning of pilgrimage, the history of the Shrine, detailed descriptions of each area of the Shrine, from the Church to each stop along the Pilgrim Way, explanations of the indulgences granted by pilgrimage to the Shrine, and much more!
Whether as a tool to enrich your pilgrim experience or simply as a way to increase your knowledge and devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, this book will be your guide as you ascend to the heart of Our Lady.