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Relic Veneration Relic Veneration

Sacred Treasures of the Church

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe is blessed with a vast collection of authenticated sacred relics. In order to properly honor these holy saints, the Shrine makes our relics available for public relic veneration on their particular feast days.

Veneration Schedule

Relic Veneration Dates


2nd – St. Basil the Great

4th – St. Elizabeth Seton

5th – St. John Neumann



9th – St. Maron

10th – St. José Sánchez del Río

11th – Our Lady of Lourdes (St. Bernadette Relic)



17th – St. Patrick of Ireland

19th – Clothing of St. Joseph

25th – St. Louis de Montfort


11th – St. Gemma Galgani

16th – St. Bernadette

21st – St. Anselm of Canterbury



St. Peregrine (Every 1st Mon. of May)

+1st – Clothing of St. Joseph

3rd – Ss. Philip & James the Less



3rd – St. Charles Lwanga

11th – St. Barnabas

19th – St. Romuald



6th – St. Maria Goretti

11th – St. Benedict, Abbot

13th – Bl. Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago



1st – St. Alphonsus Liguori

2nd – St. Peter Julian Eymard

4th – St. John Vianney



3rd – St. Gregory the Great

13th – St. John Chrysostom

14th – True Cross



1st – St. Thérèse of Lisieux

4th – St. Francis of Assisi

5th – St. Faustina Kowalska



13th – St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

+13th – St. Stanislaus Kostka

16th – St. Gertrude the Great



3rd – St. Francis Xavier

10th – BVM House of Loreto

13th – St. Lucy


Relic Veneration Information

Public veneration of 1st-Class Relics at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe takes place by the way of a general blessing at the conclusion of Holy Mass. Should the saint’s feast day fall on a Sunday or a Solemnity, there may not be a public venera­tion of that saint’s relic, however, the relic will be available for private veneration upon request.

What is the Veneration of Saints?

Honor paid to the saints who, by their intercession and example and in their possession of God, minister to human sanctification, helping the faithful grow in Christian virtue. Venerating the saints does not detract from the glory given to God, since whatever good they possess is a gift from his bounty. They reflect the divine perfections, and their supernatural qualities result from the graces Christ merited for them by the Cross. In the language of the Church’s liturgy, the saints are venerated as sanctuaries of the Trinity, as adopted children of the Father, brethren of Christ, faithful members of his Mystical Body, and temples of the Holy Spirit.

​- Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., Servant of God, Modern Catholic Dictionary

Father John A. Hardon of Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

“RELIC. An object connected with a saint, e.g., part of the body or clothing or something the person had used or touched. Authentic relics are venerated with the Church’s warm approbation. They may not be bought or sold. Those of a martyr are placed in the altar stone at the consecration of an altar.”

– Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Modern Catholic Dictionary

Six Mass Guilds

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe offers six Mass guilds, one for each saint displayed in the Shrine’s side altars: Saint Faustina Kowalska, Saint Maria Goretti, Saint Peregrine, Saint Gianna Molla, Blessed Miguel Pro, and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux.

Those enrolled are remembered by the Shrine’s priests at Holy Masses monthly and are entrusted to the patronage of one of these holy men and women. You may enroll yourself or a loved one, living or deceased.

Enrollment is offered for one year or in perpetuity-as long as the Shrine will offer Masses.

Explore our collection of Mass Guilds below

Saint Maria Goretti Guild

Saint Maria Goretti Guild

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The Shrine honors Saint Maria Goretti (1890 – 1902) as a Patroness of purity, the youth, and forgiveness.

About Saint Maria

Maria Goretti was a young girl who lived in Lazio, Italy. She was known for her loving and kind spirit and complete devotion to God. When she was eleven years old a neighboring boy made inappropriate advances and attempted to assault her. She courageously stood up to him, protecting her purity, but was stabbed by him during the attack. On her deathbed, the following day, she forgave her attacker. Saint Maria Goretti is a model of chastity and forgiveness.

Saint Maria Goretti is considered a model of mercy and courage. A young saint, she is a most powerful intercessor for young people today, especially for those struggling to guard their dignity in secular society.

​At her side altar in the Shrine Church, a first-class relic of Saint Maria Goretti is permanently on display for veneration by the faithful, especially those seeking her intercession.

​Members enrolled in the guild receive the benefit of being remembered in Shrine Masses invoking the intercession of Saint Maria Goretti. St. Maria Goretti Guild Masses take place every third Monday of each month at 12:15 p.m.

​Learn more about Saint Maria Goretti

Learn more about the Saint Maria Goretti painting and Saint Maria Goretti at the Shrine

​A card can be sent to you upon request so that you may send it to the enrollee.

Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration

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Blessed Miguel Pro Guild

Blessed Miguel Pro Guild

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The Shrine honors Blessed Miguel Pro (1891–1927) as an intercessor for priests.

​About Blessed Miguel

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe has established the Mass Guild of Blessed Miguel Pro as a special way to pray for Blessed Miguel Pro’s intercession for priests, religious, and victims of persecution. Father Miguel Pro was a courageous witness to the faith in the face of persecution, who followed Christ even unto martyrdom. He is an inspiration for all who seek to live their lives fully for Christ and His Church.

All those enrolled in the guild will be remembered at the Holy Mass at 12:15 p.m. CT, on the fourth Monday of each month, at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. If you would like to enroll a priest, religious, or victim of persecution in the Blessed Miguel Pro Mass Guild, you may do so by completing the form below. You are invited to join us at the Shrine for the guild Mass. The Sacrament of Penance will be available beginning 30 minutes before Mass.

Blessed Miguel Pro, pray for us!

May God bless you, and may Our Lady of Guadalupe intercede for you.

Learn more about the Blessed Miguel Pro painting at the Shrine

​A card can be sent to you upon request so that you may send it to the enrollee.

Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration

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Saint Therese of Lisieux Guild

Saint Therese of Lisieux Guild

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The Shrine honors Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (1873–1897) as a Patroness for Missionaries.

​About Saint Thérèse

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe established the Mass Guild of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux for missionaries and people who observe Saint Thérèse’s “Little Way”—doing ordinary things with extraordinary love as a simple approach to the spiritual life. Saint Thérèse is the patron saint of missions because she ardently wished to go on mission and fervently prayed for missionaries. The Little Flower showed that anyone could love and follow God by living out her Little Way in all states of life.

​All those enrolled in the guild will be remembered at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in a Holy Mass offered on the second Wednesday of each month, at 12:15 p.m. CT, with the Sacrament of Penance available 30 minutes before. If you would like to enroll a loved one in the Saint Thérèse Mass Guild, you may do so by completing the form below.

May you be kept in the prayers of Saint Thérèse and the arms of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Learn more about the Saint Thérèse painting at the Shrine.

​A card can be sent to you upon request so that you may send it to the enrollee.

Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration

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Saint Peregrine Cancer Guild

Saint Peregrine Cancer Guild

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The Shrine honors Saint Peregrine Laziosi (1260-1345), as the patron saint of those suffering from cancer.

About Saint Peregrine

Peregrine was a member of the Order of The Servants of Mary (Servites). At the age of 60 he was diagnosed with cancer of the leg. The night before his leg was to be amputated, he experienced a trance-like sleep in which he saw Jesus curing him from the cross. Upon waking, he discovered that his leg was completely healed. He was canonized by Pope Benedict XIII in 1726.

​A first-class relic of Saint Peregrine is on display for veneration by the faithful, especially persons suffering from cancer, at a side aisle shrine dedicated to the saint in the Shrine Church.

​Members enrolled in the guild receive the benefit of being remembered in a Shrine Masses invoking the intercession of Saint Peregrine. St. Peregrine Guild Masses take place the first Monday of each month at 12:15 p.m. The enrollee may be living, deceased or the family member of a person suffering from cancer.

Learn more about the Saint Peregrine painting at the Shrine

​A card can be sent to you upon request so that you may send it to the enrollee.

Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration

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Saint Gianna Guild

Saint Gianna Guild

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The Shrine honors Saint Gianna Beretta Molla (1922 – 1962) as a Patroness for Expectant Mothers.

About Saint Gianna

Saint Gianna was a devoted wife and mother as well as a pediatric surgeon who lived a joy-filled life in Italy.

​When she was pregnant with her fourth child she developed a cancerous uterine tumor. The doctors advised her to terminate the life of her baby or risk possible death herself. She chose the life of her baby and died a few days after giving birth. Saint Gianna is considered a pro-life saint, and many Shrine pilgrims have benefited from her intercession for conception and for the safe delivery of children. This guild is especially for expectant mothers, those who wish to be mothers, and physicians.

​At her side altar in the Shrine Church, a first-class relic of Saint Gianna is permanently on display for veneration by the faithful, especially those seeking her intercession.

​Guild members are remembered in Shrine Masses invoking the intercession of Saint Gianna Molla on the second Monday of each month at 12:15 p.m. Members are encouraged to attend if possible.

Learn more about the Saint Gianna painting at the Shrine

​A card can be sent to you upon request so that you may send it to the enrollee.

Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration

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Divine Mercy Guild

Divine Mercy Guild

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The Shrine honors Saint Faustina Kowalska (1905–1938) as the Patroness of Divine Mercy.

About Saint Faustina

We look to Saint Faustina as a constant reminder of the message to trust in Jesus’ endless mercy, and to live life mercifully toward others. We also turn to Saint Faustina in prayer and ask her intercession to our merciful Savior, Our Lord Jesus Christ, on our behalf. The Divine Mercy Guild is for those seeking the loving Mercy of God, and for all who call upon Saint Faustina’s intercession.

​At her side altar in the Shrine Church, a first-class relic of Saint Faustina is permanently on display for veneration by the faithful, especially those seeking her intercession.

​Guild Members are remembered in Shrine Masses invoking the intercession of Saint Faustina. Divine Mercy Guild Masses take place every first Wednesday of each month at 12:15 p.m. Members are encouraged to attend if possible.

Learn more about the Divine Mercy painting and Saint Faustina at the Shrine

​A card can be sent to you upon request so that you may send it to the enrollee.

Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration
Relic Veneration

Contact Info

Phone Numbers
Main Shrine: (877) 799-4059
Gift Shop: (608) 615-7545
Café: (608) 788-8400

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