Mailing Address
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
P.O. Box 1237
La Crosse, WI 54602-1237
Main Contacts
Main Shrine: (877) 799-4059
Gift Shop: (608) 615-7545
Café: (608) 788-8400
Staff Contacts
Fr. Paul Check, Executive Director, (877) 799-4059 x 225
Greg Marco, Director of Shrine Operations, (877) 799-4059 x 227
Laura Antonie, Administrative Assistant, (877) 799-4059 x 241
Fr. Zachary Edgar, Director of Sacred Liturgy, (877) 799-4059 x 263
Ed Zwibel, Development Director, (877) 799-4059 x 243
Emily Conway, Development Operations Manager, (877) 799-4059 x 259
Deacon Christopher Kabat, Major Gift Officer, (877) 799-4059 x 260
Thomas Radke, Major Gift Officer, (877) 799-4059 x 250
Mary Clare Kelly, Monthly Giving Manager, (877) 799-4059 x 261
Grant Withrow, Donor Relations Coordinator, (877) 799-4059 x 222
Caleb Thatcher, Controller, (877) 799-4059 x 248
Becket Ghioto, Director of Communications, (877) 799-4059 x 236
Scott Turkington, Director of Sacred Music, (877) 799-4059 x 252
Steven Doll, Manager of Pilgrim Services, (877) 799-4059 x 240
Ruben Mendoza, Pilgrimage Coordinator, (608) 519-4429
Kris Quillin, Gift Shop Manager, (608) 498-4362
Gisela Pett, Culina Café Manager, (608) 433-2628
Adam Myers, Building and Grounds Director, (608) 615-7547
Patrick Brueggen, International Coordinator of the Marian Catechist Apostolate, (608) 615-7557