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Annual Appeal Annual Appeal

Consider a Gift to Cardinal Burke’s Annual Appeal

Last year, over 100,000 pilgrims were welcomed to the Shrine by generous, faithful Catholics—like you!

How many more pilgrims will be welcomed by your gift?

Cardinal Burke’s Annual Appeal is your opportunity to make an impact now, today, as we prepare to begin the new year at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

“It is only through God’s grace and the support of the faithful that the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe will remain present for pilgrims in the years to come.” – Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

Support the Cardinal’s Annual Appeal

Other Payment Options

By Check or Money Order

Checks should be made out to: Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe with “Annual Appeal” in the memo.

​Mail to:

Cardinal’s Annual Appeal, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, PO Box 1237, La Crosse, WI 54602.

Stock and non-cash gifts are also gratefully accepted.

​Questions? Please Contact

​Grant Withrow, Donor Relations Coordinator

(608) 498-4588

[email protected]

Cardinal Burke Bless a couple with a child on pilgrimage

Mission Statement

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin, faithful to the message of the Blessed Virgin Mary through her appearances on the American continent in 1531, serves the spiritual needs of those who suffer poverty in body and soul. It is a place of ceaseless prayer for the corporal and spiritual welfare of God’s children, especially those in most need.

“It is only through God’s grace and the support of the faithful that the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe will remain present for pilgrims in the years to come. Know that our prayers for you rise ceaselessly from the Shrine, and from my own offering of the Holy Mass, my devotions and prayers in Rome.”

– Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke


5250 Justin Road
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601

Contact Info

Phone Numbers
Main Shrine: (877) 799-4059
Gift Shop: (608) 615-7545
Café: (608) 788-8400

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