Preparing for Spring

Though the bluffs country of southwestern Wisconsin remains frozen and bare, winter is drawing to a close. At the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady’s Garden Club is preparing for the coming of spring.
The Garden Club’s Mission
The Garden Club, along with the grounds volunteers, support the mission of the Shrine by caring for the many flower beds throughout the extensive grounds, planting, watering, weeding, and fertilizing. Natural beauty is important to the Shrine, helping to foster the contemplative atmosphere in which pilgrims encounter Our Lord. Flowers, in particular, have a special association with Our Lady of Guadalupe; miraculous flowers were the first sign she entrusted to Saint Juan Diego, preceding the gift of her image.
Invitation to Participate
All are welcome to participate in this service to Our Lady and the pilgrims. Those in the La Crosse area are invited to consider joining the Garden Club or becoming grounds volunteers.
Supporting from Afar
On the other hand, those who wish to be involved, but live farther away or are otherwise unable to take part in person, can provide essential support by making a financial contribution. With the spring planting approaching, these gifts are needed and appreciated more than ever.
Contributions to the Garden Club can be made at the link given above. Note that a gift can be dedicated in honor or in memory of a loved one.
The Gift of Beauty
Assisting the work of Our Lady’s Garden Club is a simple way to honor our Blessed Mother and enhance the experience of those who come on pilgrimage. Thanks to all who so generously give, whether of time or of resources, Our Lady’s Shrine continues every year to offer pilgrims an oasis of beauty, raising their minds and hearts toward the everlasting beauty that life’s pilgrimage seeks.