Our Lady's Garden Club

Join Today! You can keep the Shrine beautiful!
Seeking to echo the call of Our Lady Guadalupe to Saint Juan Diego, the Shrine has established Our Lady’s Garden Club in order to maintain the beauty of the Shrine to honor our Lady, and to bring more souls to Christ. As Pope Saint John Paul II said, “The aesthetic value of creation cannot be overlooked. Our very contact with nature has a deep restorative power.”
The Shrine has many beautiful flower beds throughout its grounds that need weekly care and periodic planting. By becoming a member of Our Lady’s Garden Club you can take a meaningful part in honoring Our Lady and maintain the beauty of the Shrine. You may also consider becoming a grounds volunteer where you could come and enjoy the beauty and serenity the Shrine has to offer while caring for one of those beds at a day and time of your convenience. Weekly flower bed maintenance includes: watering, weeding, and fertilizing.
As a member of Our Lady’s Garden Club or as a grounds volunteer you will also receive a special gift acknowledging your participation. Thank you for your prayerful consideration to join this important initiative.
May God bless you abundantly!
Support the Shrine Grounds!
Join our Volunteer Grounds Team
Do you like to garden?
Consider donating your time and talent on Our Lady’s Grounds Volunteer team. Please contact the Garden Club Coordinator at (608) 782-5440 or [email protected].