Blessed Carlo Acutis, A Saint for Our Times
In a decree on May 23, Pope Francis approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis, opening the way for the canonization of the first millennial saint. Here, Fr. Paul N. Check, Executive Director of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, reflects on the importance of Blessed Carlo to the Catholic Church today.

The Christian Life
What is the purpose of the Christian life? Why are we here? What is our goal? The purpose of the Christian life, of course, is to get to heaven; and in order to get to heaven we have to live a holy life. We have to become saints. That sounds like a great challenge, and in fact it is; and without God’s grace and without Jesus Christ coming into the world and suffering and dying for us, releasing us from sin and death, and rising from the dead, it would be impossible. But God in His goodness sent His Son into the world so that we could live holy lives, so that it would really be possible to become a saint.
Path to Sanctity
The Gospel shows us the path to sanctity, and the seven sacraments make it possible for us to receive the sanctifying grace that we need to live a holy life, but God knows that there are other gifts that we require as well to encourage us, and those gifts come to us frequently through the communion of saints. So, in any given age in the Church’s history, God raises up holy men and women to inspire us, to encourage us and to say that what we read in the Gospel and what we hope to achieve, sanctity and salvation, is really possible.
Blessed Carlo Acutis & The Eucharist
Blessed Carlo Acutis is a saint for our times for a couple of reasons, I think. First of all, he was a young man, and how important it is for young people to come to an appreciation of the gift of the Gospel. He was very much someone who understood the benefits of technology for evangelization and catechesis, and he concentrated his efforts especially on the Holy Eucharist, which you and I, because of our faith, consider to be the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread and wine. You may have read that the belief in what we call the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is not strong or robust in the Church today, even among those who describe themselves as Catholics. So God has raised up for us in this time a young man who is committed to sharing the truth, the marvel, the mystery and the wonder of the gift of the Holy Eucharist.
You can become more familiar with the details of his life, and it would be fascinating to read how grace was at work. But for the moment let us give thanks that our Father, who promised us that he would never leave us orphan, would always ensure that we have the means to sanctity and salvation, and that we would have encouragement in the form of men and women who have lived holy lives and have proven that what God asks us to do in the Gospel is possible not just for them but for you and me. God bless you.