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Homeschool Family Kickoff event

10th Annual Homeschool Kickoff

8:00 am          Shrine Opens

10:00 am       Talk: Spiritually Motivated Homesteading: What and Why

                                   – John A. Cuddeback, PhD (Pre-Recorded)

11:00 am       Talk – Farm to Altar, a Vocation Story- Fr. Daniel Sedlacek

11:45 am       Confessions available

12:15 pm       Holy Mass (O.F. Ad Orientem) Homeschool Blessing following Mass.

1:15 pm          Picnic Lunch, Outdoor Games, and Grilling Fundraiser:

                       Burgers, Brats, Hotdogs, Baked Goods, and Drinks will be Sold 

                       by the Troops of Saint George. Pre-order #’s requested to 

                       Captain Bill Coppernoll:

2:30 pm        Talk: Spiritually Motivated Homesteading: Challenges and Some Solutions 

                      – John A. Cuddeback, PhD (Pre-Recorded)

3:15 pm         Livestream Q&A with John A. Cuddeback, PhD

5:00 pm.        Shrine Closes

Keynote Speaker: John Cuddeback

John Cuddeback philophy professor and life craft blog

Dr. John A. Cuddeback received his B.A. from Christendom College, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy from The Catholic University of America in 1997. He is Chairman of the Philosophy Department at Christendom College. He writes and lectures on various topics, including virtue, culture, natural law, contemplation, and friendship.

His book, True Friendship: Where Virtue Becomes Happiness was published in 2010. Cuddeback is a member of the Third Order Dominicans, and an avid gardener and hunter. He is a home schooling father and lives with his wife, Sofia, and five children in the Shenandoah Valley.


Contact Info

Phone Numbers
Main Shrine: (877) 799-4059
Gift Shop: (608) 615-7545
Café: (608) 788-8400

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