Marriage Retreat at the Shrine
The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe is holding a retreat for married couples from Friday, July 26 to Saturday, July 27, 2024. The schedule includes talks, time for prayer and adoration, and dialogue between couples.
Leading the Retreats
Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke will be offering the Mass on Saturday afternoon, as well as attending the social on Friday evening.
The Martins
The retreat leaders are Peter and Theresa Martin, both of whom have worked extensively in support of Catholic couples and families. The Martins are founders of the Wojytla Community and Institute; Theresa also leads the Institute as Executive Director, while Peter serves as Director of the Office of Life, Marriage & Family and Communication for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. In addition, the couple are authors of The Rule: St. John Paul II’s Rule for a Joy-filled Marriage of Divine Love. Most importantly, the Martins have joyfully lived their own vocation to marriage and family since 2001. They live in Wisconsin with their eight children
Like the Martins’ other apostolates, the retreat at the Shrine focuses on St. John Paul II’s teaching on marriage, “helping them to discover the beauty and grandeur of the vocation to love and the service of life” (Familiaris Consortio §1). By God’s grace, this time taken out of life’s regular routine, spent together in God’s presence, in community with other Catholic couples, can be an aid to all husbands and wives striving to live a “joy-filled marriage of divine love.”

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Why Come to a Marriage Retreat?
Hear what other couples have said about this retreat:
“This retreat was such an amazing gift for us!”
“This was the most powerful retreat I have ever attended.”
“The adoration couple prayer really brought healing to our marriage.”
“a wonderful experience!”