Jubilee Year of Pilgrimage & Plenary Indulgence
For all faithful looking to participate in Pope Francis’s Jubilee “Pilgrims of Hope,” they now have a unique opportunity by making a pious pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Pilgrims of Hope
The Shrine has been granted the great privilege of being designated by Bishop Gerard William Battersby as a special place of pilgrimage during the Jubilee. This designation is a great blessing to all who come on pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine in 2025. With this designation, pilgrims will have the opportunity to gain the Jubilee Indulgence every day of the year as outlined by the Vatican.

Indulgence Decree
The Decree on the Granting of Indulgence during the Ordinary Jubilee Year 2025 states that “The faithful, pilgrims of hope, will be able to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence granted by the Holy Father if they undertake a pious pilgrimage” which may be accomplished by “visiting the Cathedral or other church or sacred place designated by the local ordinary.”
A Holy Place of Pilgrimage
Bishop Battersby, in his own decree, designated the Shrine as among five holy places in the diocese of La Crosse, “In communion with our Holy Father and in the spirit of pastoral solicitude for the Christian faithful entrusted to my care.”

Plenary Indulgence
Plan your pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe to take part in this year of grace and to gain a Jubilee Indulgence. When planning your pilgrimage, keep in mind the requirements for obtaining indulgences, all of which can be performed at the Shrine:
- Offer your pilgrimage either for your sanctification or for the faithful departed;
- Receive the Eucharist the day the indulgence is performed;
- Make a Sacramental confession twenty days before or after the day the indulgence is performed;
- Detach completely from any affection for sin, even venial sin;
- Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
Holy Doors Only in Rome
Some people might think: Do I need to go through a holy door for my pilgrimage to be valid?
This year, there is a return to the practice of the Holy Door at the four major Papal Basilicas in Rome, so there are no holy doors outside Rome. The Jubilee Indulgence is obtained by making the pilgrimage to the Shrine while fulfilling the usual conditions without the need to enter the Shrine Church through a “holy door.” Just come to the Shrine and fulfill the conditions mentioned above.

Two Plenary Indulgence Opportunities Daily
Remember also that two plenary Indulgences can be gained each day at the Shrine. By making a pilgrimage to the 8:30 am Holy Mass and by making another pilgrimage to the 12:15 pm Holy Mass, and by receiving the Holy Eucharist at each Holy Mass, the faithful may receive two Jubilee Indulgences. The first Jubilee Indulgence is applicable to you or to the faithful departed, while the second is only applicable to the faithful departed.

Plan Your Pilgrimage
Be sure to plan your pilgrimage during this year of special graces!
The Jubilee Year “Pilgrims of Hope” began on Christmas Eve, when Pope Francis opened the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. It will end on the Feast of the Epiphany, 2026.

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