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Salve: Säl-vā
An ancient greeting, often translated as Hail! It is the first word in the Salve Regina prayer.
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The Shrine writes about Pilgrim experiences, upcoming feast days and events, Catholic Tradition, and about the Shrine Culture.
What Does the Book of Revelation Teach Us about the Mass?
The Mass is the highest expression of Christian prayer. Through our focus on the liturgy over the past year, we’ve seen how God prepared His […]
Thanksgiving to God
“Was no one found to return and give praise to God …?” (Lk 17:18) Contemplating God’s abundant gifts in a prayerful spirit of gratitude enables […]
Blessed Miguel Pro, American Martyr
Many Americans are unaware of a series of violent religious conflicts that occurred in the 1920s in Mexico. It is easy to picture persecution of […]
Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe
The great celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe, at Our Lady’s Shrine in La Crosse, promises to be an especially joyous and […]