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Salve: Säl-vā
An ancient greeting, often translated as Hail! It is the first word in the Salve Regina prayer.
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The Shrine writes about Pilgrim experiences, upcoming feast days and events, Catholic Tradition, and about the Shrine Culture.
Pronouncing The Holy Name of Jesus
The Holy Name of Jesus pronounced by His Apostles and their successors signifies that Our Lord Himself is alive in the Church and acting on […]
Gift Shop & Bookstore – closed temporarily
The Flores Mariae Gift Shop and the Marian Catechist Bookstore will close its doors temporarily from January 6th to January 9th. We apologize for any […]
The Holy Name of Jesus
Why do we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus? How does this devotion affect our life in the Church? A new year […]
The 12 Days of Christmas
Cardinal Burke explains the importance of celebrating the Word of God becoming incarnate for our salvation at Christmas and why we need the twelve days […]