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Salve: Säl-vā
An ancient greeting, often translated as Hail! It is the first word in the Salve Regina prayer.
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The Shrine writes about Pilgrim experiences, upcoming feast days and events, Catholic Tradition, and about the Shrine Culture.

Exhortation to Prayer for the Health of Pope Francis
All pilgrims to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe at La Crosse and all friends of the Shrine are urged to join the universal […]

Shrine’s Closed, Feb 17-18, Mon-Tues
Due to the forecast of dangerous weather conditions, including subzero temperatures, we regret to inform pilgrims that the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe will […]

Jubilee Year of Pilgrimage & Plenary Indulgence
For all faithful looking to participate in Pope Francis’s Jubilee “Pilgrims of Hope,” they now have a unique opportunity by making a pious pilgrimage to […]

The Holy Family
Why Is February Dedicated to the Holy Family? This year in the Full of Grace Youth Journal, we’re focusing on the Church’s rich devotional calendar. […]