The Presentation of the Lord
And after eight days were accomplished, that the child should be circumcised, his name was called JESUS, which was called by the angel, before he […]
And after eight days were accomplished, that the child should be circumcised, his name was called JESUS, which was called by the angel, before he […]
And after eight days were accomplished, that the child should be circumcised, his name was called JESUS, which was called by the angel, before he […]
For Roman Catholics, Ash Wednesday opens the penitential season of Lent. One of two days when fasting is required(along with Good Friday), it is a […]
Saint Joseph is the Patron of the Universal Church. He is a powerful intercessor for many and a beloved member of the Holy Family. Come […]
Buxtehude’s Membra Jesu nostri patientis sanctissima (The Most Holy Limbs of Our Suffering Jesus) contemplates seven parts of Christ’s crucified body – his pierced feet, bent knees, bleeding hands, wounded side, revered breast, loving heart, and thorn-crowned face.