Solemnity of Saint Joseph Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Saint Joseph is the Patron of the Universal Church. He is a powerful intercessor for many and a beloved member of the Holy Family. Come to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe this March 19, for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, protodulia. Saint Joseph, Pray for us
Organ Concert – Henry Dangerfield
Henry Dangerfield began organ lessons with Brian Williams in 2019 as an 11-year-old recipient of a student scholarship from the Southeast Minnesota Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Since 2021, he has been studying with Raymond Johnston, Canon Musician at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Minneapolis. In the summer of 2023, Henry had the opportunity to attend the Curtis Summer Organ Intensive, where he had lessons with Peter Conte and Alan Morrison, participated in a master class with Isabelle Demers, and performed on the Wanamaker Organ. As a finalist in the 2023 Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival Hartford, Henry was awarded the David Spicer Hymn Playing Award and the Audience Prize. He plays regularly for his congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
More Sacred Music Events
Traditional Latin Mass: The Annunciation
Traditional Latin Mass with music of the Messe ‘Cum jubilo’ (1966) by Maruice Duruflé, for baritone soloist (Alan Dunbar), men’s choir and organ (Samuel Backman). With choral motets by Duruflé and Palestrina, we integrate this famous musical setting of the Mass for Our Lady with the Holy Mass.
Passion Sunday Concert
Buxtehude’s Membra Jesu nostri patientis sanctissima (The Most Holy Limbs of Our Suffering Jesus) contemplates seven parts of Christ’s crucified body – his pierced feet, bent knees, bleeding hands, wounded side, revered breast, loving heart, and thorn-crowned face.
Mexican Baroque: Music from New Spain
Join us as we celebrate the music of Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla, the Cathedral’s famed music director from 1628 to 1664. His music played a key role in the Cathedral’s consecration in 1649.