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Organ Recital - Henry Dangerfield

Organ Concert – Henry Dangerfield

Henry Dangerfield began organ lessons with Brian Williams in 2019 as an 11-year-old recipient of a student scholarship from the Southeast Minnesota Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Since 2021, he has been studying with Raymond Johnston, Canon Musician at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Minneapolis. In the summer of 2023, Henry had the opportunity to attend the Curtis Summer Organ Intensive, where he had lessons with Peter Conte and Alan Morrison, participated in a master class with Isabelle Demers, and performed on the Wanamaker Organ. As a finalist in the 2023 Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival Hartford, Henry was awarded the David Spicer Hymn Playing Award and the Audience Prize. He plays regularly for his congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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