St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Pray for Us
This year, the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe established the Mass Guild of St. Thérèse of Lisieux to pray for missionaries.
Patron Saint of Missionaries
Although the “Little Flower,” in her brief life at home and in the cloister, never made a missionary journey, she burned with longing to bring the Gospel to souls everywhere who had never encountered the Lord. “I would like to travel over the whole earth to preach Your Name,” she wrote in her autobiography, ,Story of a Soul – get the book here. Thérèse understood in the end that she would fulfill this longing by supporting missionaries through her life of prayer and sacrifice.
The Calling
As Thérèse’s example shows, the Guild is a reminder that every member of the Church has a missionary calling of some kind. If one is not called to preach in distant countries or give talks at conferences, one can offer the simple witness of faith in one’s own community, and always, like Thérèse, have recourse to the power of prayer and sacrifice.
Enroll Loved Ones
On the second Wednesday of each month, at 12:15 p.m. a Mass will be offered at the Shrine for all members of the Guild.

To learn more about the Mass Guild of St. Thérèse, or to enroll a loved one,visit our Mass Guilds Page.
Get St. Thérèse’s autobiography
-The Story of a Soul-